You're right. There was never nothing. There was and is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the One true God, the God of the Bible. The God ofAAbraham , Isaac, and Jacob, Yahweh.
What is ignorant is believing that a creation happened without a Creator. Being that the "Simple Cell" is more complex than the Ford River Rouge plant is proof positive that it took a designer to design that not so simple cell, just like it took many designers to design that automotive plant.
Explain what? Your Theory? All creations have Creators, cars, newspapers, babies, insects, even peanut butter. All of creation cries out "Im the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
First off, there was something there, but we just don't know exactly what is what, (I think it was a large mass of heat) and two, it didn't explode, it expanded.