The Yugostan, formed from many nations ethnically tied in Yugoni, formed in 1526 as a representative of all Yugonic people. In 1546, Qostia invaded the Republic, commonwealth and Kingdom of Arkhania. Yugostan helped in this, and the two-pronged assault launched by Qostia and Yugostan was enacted, finishing with the treaty of Kosbeq in 1551. After that, Yugostani King, Mitchelli Sycorina, lead an invasion on numerous countries, like Hundhia (15), Jenafut, and Archii Manne, as well as be an economic detriment to the kingdoms of Kashbia and Kakith. This continued until it reached a limit in 1714, when the Consuls of Jenatine, a Paladinic army serving, of course, Jenatine since the early spring of 972, alongside nations Bafat, Consortia, Raznan, Yaskhaia, Nafina, Niryaq-Bastion and Qostia just to name a few, made an assault on Yugostan. The Great Resistance, it was called. Eventually, the Mighty Imperia Veura hit the seas and eventually Northern Yugostan, bringing Seruman and Tethym along with. On Christmas Eve, 1744, Yzanuhl, the capital of Yugostan, fell, marking the end of the Yugostani Imperia.