I was once sitting at a lunch table in school with my friends and this girl walks over.
"Can you move, that's where I sit."
Me: "It's just a seat?"
Her: "Yeah but I sit there every day"
Me: "Okay, and? It's a seat? Find another at this table?"
Wide open f**king table BTW. Plenty of seats.
Her: "Well I want to sit next to my cousin and talk to my friend while sitting at this table."
Me: "You can do that at another seat."
Her "cousin": "Just give her the seat [my name]."
Me: "No, it's just a seat..."
Student: "I actually agree with [my name] on this one. It's just a seat."
Her: "I don't care, it's my seat!"
Her: *angry yapping*
Me: "Jesus Christ! Fine! Sit here if it makes you SOOOOOOO happy!!!"
I was sent to the office.
What the hell did I do?