Ok, so my game in a nutshell :
- it's a fighting game, kinda. And RPG.
- the combat mechanism isn't 3D like many other game. You're a heart in a box and you have to dodge attacks.
- it's turn by turn. Each player chooses a pattern to attack with. You also have the act and item button to heal and/or gain buffs.
- there'll be PVP and PVE, so I've made some new mechanism not from Undertale to add more strategies and spices.
- your "heart" I've mentioned earlier? It's your soul. Each souls have special ability and different stats.
- apart from combat, they'll be quest, story mode and silly easter eggs.
- the pattern you choose isn't pre-made or hard coded. You can modify it, and as long as it's possible to dodge entirely, you can use it (ofc there'll be stats limitations which will expand when you progress)