Scp 6090 is a 7 meter 7⃣ humanoid male 👦 with 👏 charred black skin ⚫ made of 🥜 what to 🙏 be assumed 🫤 to be basalt 🪨 and unknown❓magnetic 🧲 metals. If hostility 😡 provoked, it would attack 👏 with great ❗⭐ violence 👏 with his brute strength 💪 and electric 🔌⚡ powers. If friendly 😌👍 provoke, it will enjoy 😁 community 🤝 to you 🫵 especially if you have crippling depression 😰. It would sooth 🫂 the subject 🙍 and would even hug 🫂 and give candy 🍬, after that the subject 📐 will show no signs 🚮⛔ of depression 😢. Because 🤔 of it's friendliness 💙 and strength, 💪 it became part of strike force 👊. It's eyes 👀 are light 💡 blue 🔵 and could be his inevitable 👿 source of power🌟. if it is damaged it 👏👎 would reform in 20 🎉🎊 seconds 🕞🕥 to 3 ⏱ 3⃣ minutes after. His skull 💀 is reduced ◽ so little 👧 it's like 👍 he has no ❌ lips 💋 or eyelids 👁.