Let me talk now.
I know you have ADHD, why else would you be here
"I was being sarcastic" let me examine that just a bit farther
"Lol nope" "This never happens" makes it pretty clear you didn't get that the post was a joke.
Deadpan humor means you hide your feelings in response to other humor or absurd subjects. This is usually used in a very obvious way, so it can also be seen as a sub-genre of sarcastic humor. you, my friend, were not making it obvious.
"I want nothing to do with you ever again"
We can agree on one thing.
"You are very petty about little things
You can’t tolerate other people making tiny mistakes but expect other people to not noticeyour big ones (and get mad and defensive when they do)
I am annoyed at people when they make mistakes, but with tiny mistakes, I usually can forgive, and, at most, I am mildly annoyed. However, when they are obnoxious, self-centered, and petty about *cough cough* I am very ticked off. You are getting on my nerves. That last part you are making up off the top of your head just based off of others you have dealt with similar to me. That is stereotyping.
"This means you are very insecure"
You are using that word wrong. From what I guess you mean, you meant to say that I do not have much tolerance for others, shut them off from my life, and feed up my own ego from my own lies. That is not true.
"You know nothing about Australian humor"
Oh, what? Now you tell me you're Australian without elaborating and you're using that as an argument? Of course I know nothing about Australian humor, most Australians on the internet aren't gonna tell me they're Australian like their own life depends on it.
"You have no patience or understanding for people you don’t like. (Like most of the people I deal with in highschool)" Though I do have a very bad habit of thinking my first few impressions with someone are their entire personality, I usually know them better and fix my mindset on them after a bit. You seem to have this exact problem. We barely know anything about each other and we are already bickering on the internet. Since we only know each other through about 4 of each others comments, we are both probably much different from each others versions of us.
"Your ego (if you even know what ego means) needs a serious readjustment in size" Hey, you're the one talking.
I would make a similar thing as what you would do, with that whole, "From this I can conclude that" blah blah blah. But I do not want to make assumptions.