I was camping with some of my friends and I was sleeping in a hammock (by my self) because of my anxiety (diagnosed). The one overly-christian kid keeps trying to get me to sleep in the tent, but said that sleeping in a hammock was better for my anxiety. He said that he doesn't care that I have anxiety and that I can sleep with him in the tent, so I politely declined for the bajillionth time and finally explained. Did he understand? Did he feel sorry? Did he leave in his confusion? No, my friends, what he says is, and I quote: "The Bible says not to have anxiety". Trust me when I say that I did my best not to sleep him and then yeet him into the lake. But somehow, I managed to not do any of that and instead just say that I was really messed up in the head and that it would be bad to ask me again, so he rolled his eyes and walked away.
Like yeah my anxiety was cured right when you told me the bible says not to be anxious