1+(2+3): It doesn’t make sense for the Prince of Evil to provide us with something that contains objectively Good things. The Bible has a massive number of stories and lessons promoting things such as compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice, patience, etc. Even if the stories in the Bible weren’t true, they still actively undermine everything that Lucifer stands for, like hatred, ruthlessness, selfishness, impatience, etc.
To me, it really does.
I'll summarize it in simple terms. Try not to take it as face value.
Teaching someone to live in fear of their creator is not something I imagine a God doing. I would argue that when placed under pressure, when given threats of eternal damnation for failing to uphold a near impossible set of commands. (Do not lie - people do this. Do not judge, do not be jealous, etc) Many of these commandments are against the very nature of mankind. What better way to exploit the suffering of mankind than to attack their very weaknesses? My question which cannot be answered by anyone beyond their subjective religious perspectives, If life is a gift, why would God give us a huge large book? Kinda reminds me of sleezy capitalists/corporate executives who are trying to screw you out of a deal. My answer, if there were to be one, is simple. He wouldn't.
This book is the antithesis (when used to convey religious law) of God's gift. Think about it, we spend an eternity as his children in heaven, only to be brought to the earth to be with our families for only the blink of an eye in an omniscient perspective. No, I'd tell my child to go have fun. Do as you will. Please do unto others.
That's the only rule I would have. "Do unto others."
Reflecting back on our back and fourth I find myself realizing why I was here in this thread in the first place. I'm not here for honorable people such as you seem to be. I am here for the westboro baptist types. The zealotry, the blind "god is my sword" archetype.
The more tolerant a religion is, the more I jive with it. What I do not tolerate, is intolerance. From Athiests, to agnostics, and religious types alike. Those people are not worthy of respect.*