Eventhough I agree with your prayer, I took the word "your" out of it. The cancer is NOT his*, it belongs to satan, and he* needs to give it back, and break all contracts knowingly and unknowingly TheMemingOfLife made with him, and break all ties, confess to YAHUAH, REPENT, and FORGIVE ALL, inlcuding himself, and especially himself, and ASK for HEALTH, LOVE and REST. In KING YAHUSHA's name I ask MY Father YAHUAH for him to be able to do all that and COMPLETELY HEAL if it is in MY FATHER'S WILL and PLAN; and if TheMemingOfLife really wants to HEAL.
My Father does NOT change but HE changes HIS plans when HE sees appropriate.
*; I use 'he" for everyone unless it is specified by the person. It sounds like a she but does not matter.