I hop gas isn't your only thing as to why people should vote Hillary. You see, its not about parties for some people. If Hillary was running republican she would be no less a lair and no less guilty of crimes. In fact her party just apologized for racist remarks and rigging the election. How can I trust that? As for your gas comment under both Bush and Obama gas rose to hign lever and shrunk back down to low lever by the time they were exiting. Look into it yourself. it's an easy google search. However I was not the biggest fan of Bush and I don't like Obama at all. Hillary I view almost mafia though looking a her tactics. So what have republicans done for me. Not much. What have democratic done for me? about the same. That's why both people in both parties revolted. Not in the streets but at the polls. Trump won because the people were sick of the republicans not doing anything. Sanders should have won because the people were sick of the democrats not doing anything. Trump powered through but Sanders couldn't beat the Clinton war machine and her army of minions. This isn't about parties. It's about what kind of human being you are. Trump is not perfect but I am not either. Or what about third party? Show the democrats you mean business and in 4 years they may actually reform. Sorry for any grammar errors. I did not have much time to write. So please if you want to yell at me go after my thoughts and not a misspelling or forgotten words.