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Jimothemememan (82016)
Joined 2023-04-21
My two biggest opps: Furries, Spy mains
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They are destroying the gaming industry in gaming
0 ups, <1h
So you think that its ok to steal because you are bored? If you are really that bored, just buy the game. You said it yourself, most indie game devs only charge like 4 or 5 dollars for a game that is a lot better than most triple A titles. As for the part about game devs charging too much for games, essentially what you said was "oh no this company is so evil for wanting to make money off of their hard work even though that is the literal purpose of a company!" If you can't afford to buy a game for $60, you probably should find a new hobby.
They are destroying the gaming industry in gaming
0 ups, 1d
pirating games is still stealing
if you pirate a game then you are taking away profit that could've been made had you bought the game from the developers.
plus, i doubt that people who pirate a game weren't going to buy it anyway, because if that were true why would they want to pirate it
B r o c a n I j u s t f i n d g o o d g a m e s ? in Roblox
0 ups, 2d
To be fair tho if your past middle school and still playing robots you've got problems
Mistakes makes you stronger... in Roblox
0 ups, 2d
Can that really be called a mistake tho
He got thousands of gullible kids to play it