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SwillPhift (62755)
Joined 2021-10-13
Mid tier memelord.
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Leftenomics makes me randy in politics
0 ups, 5d
We need all that lube, 'cause we gonna get f***ed!
Mayor's Office in politics
0 ups, 5d
They changed the definition of crime, and still the numbers showed our blue cities are warzones, so they still had to fudge the numbers.
The toronto rain tax in politics
1 up, 5d
What the f**k is the rain tax?
Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 5d
They actually have a kind of "intranet". They use normal internet technologies, but they keep it from interacting with the wider internet. Oddly enough, google is allowed, despite the fact you can't look up "freedom".
We The People Unite As Americans FOR AMERICA! in politics
3 ups, 5d
To democrats, no lives matter. They get so pissed at "all lives matter" because it's the complete opposite of their beliefs. But that won't get them elected, so they settle for saying "black lives matter" because they can't win without the black vote.