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RobertK2 (17351)
Joined 2018-09-25
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What's your Donald Trump post imprisonment song in politics
1 up, 2mo
Well, Mar-a-lago would make a great london tower... lol. The whole Trump family on house arrest for the next 20 yrs. would be just fine with most of us, as long as all the phones & cell phone service is taken out... I know... it'll never happen. One can dream though.. 🙄
Donald Trump for President in politics
0 ups, 4mo
And all that happened after Trump took all those documents home & didn't want to give them back! Most of us don't want to take the chance.It's like Christians believe what they believe because "The Bible says so"... For all these years they get all their information from men who interpret & reinterpret the Bible as they need to in order to justify their abuse on others.Such as human beings being held as livestock. All that coming from one place & a lot of pastors with time to manipulate the meaning of certain verses to suit their narrative for that lesson. That's why it keeps changing. Christians have a long history of slaughtering those that don't agree with them. Trumpers also get their information from the same place. Trump. Then they rehash it & rehash it & regurgitate it, ad nauseum.. Even when hardly anyone believes him anymore & he's been proven to lie whenever it suits him. And we rarely see anyone actually willing to admit they follow him. Here, at least. I think they are just a small group in the south now. Like Confederates. A dying breed. 🤣😂✌ But seriously, a cult with a leader like that would destroy everyone's freedom. In the scenario he's hoping for, where he wins. He'd be getting rich. Not you. 🙄 But he won't go to prison. What happens the U.S. is not high on his list of priorities.😞
Donald Trump for President in politics
0 ups, 4mo
🤣😂😂 Yep! But laughter is what will bring us all back together one day! ................. Or war... 🤔Petulance & famine have a tendency to do that too..🙄 "Biden was installed like a toilet"🤣🤣 Oh... I'm so mad! 😠🥴🤣🤣 It is pretty funny though... Trump just stuffed documents down his toilet.🤭😮....... RWB😎 👍
U.S. Medicine Shortage. Opiate Shortage. Are we sending it to other countries? in politics
0 ups, 4mo
It's rather terrifying. I think a lot of us are unsure if we'll even make it through it. The pain is much worse for us now that they have given us no options but to be on this pain medicine instead of fixing the problem like most of us want. So now the thought of having to endure it while being many times more sensitive to pain than normal is terrifying. It can take months for our bodies to be able to deal with pain like normal. Just like a heroine addict. Many of us, if cut off, can die of cardiac arrest. Happens all the time. This fact is not known by the general public & we are typically afraid of talking about it for fear of being judged. Most of us did not choose this. We were not given these facts in the beginning. Only after we were dependant on it. This is what the pubic needs to know before this get's worse.
U.S. Medicine Shortage. Opiate Shortage. Are we sending it to other countries? in politics
0 ups, 4mo
Maybe those were some of the intel held at the Mar-a-la-la-go-go palace? Where dining is on the cheep, but seats are available for a large donation & access to your entire life, your cell phone & codes, your passport, & seven non disclosure agreements that benefit whoever we say, and at any time we can revoke the very air you breath. Otherwise, if you looking for "Fine Dining" look no further than down the street at La Goulue. Where we suck up to Trump because we have to, but we actually have good french food (and not because we shook hands with a frenchman in the seventies) & you don't have to have connections to make a reservation. Stop by after you've hopefully skipped the meal at that other place & have a real meal. Our ratatouille will bring memories of mama & papa & the dinners & the broken dishes & the tears... (Better move on to the escargots de Bourgogne) Start your night off right & give your pallet an explosion of, well, chopped snails. But they meld in your mouth. And no we do not use the famous Trump mushroom. We found it to be moldy, scarred, & flaccid. And for desert you must try our crème brûlée. And for those of you who've had to endure any direct or forced contact with the guy down the street, let us know and as a consolation, we will give you the crème brûlée on the house... You don't have to prove it... We will always believe you! Even though we know that "The truth is always in the pudding"! In this case..., "The pie"... 🤣🤣🤣 ...............................Hey... (I was bored)... Hope you don't mind. 😏 Besides... I need to laugh. This shit is getting serious! (gotten)🙄