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Reasonable_Skeptic (6924)
Joined 2016-06-08
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Honduras children on the brink of starvation. Why doesn't Trump think of the children!?! in politics
0 ups, 6y
Right, but I was asking if you'd like to clarify your comment about 10 percent off the top in relation to the original post.
Honduras children on the brink of starvation. Why doesn't Trump think of the children!?! in politics
0 ups, 6y
I'm not really sure what you mean by that comment, Jaden. If you're referring to the Judeo-Christian practice of tithing, then yeah it's 10% off the top of your earnings. I could expand on that, but I'm not really sure if or how you're trying to apply that to this situation with the mob of people coming up from Central America. Care to clarify & elaborate?
Honduras children on the brink of starvation. Why doesn't Trump think of the children!?! in politics
2 ups, 6y
Jaden, if you're interested in what Christianity teaches about generosity and kindness, it teaches each person should decide in their hearts what to give when it comes to giving their own time, money, resources, etc. That can be found in 2nd Corinthians chapter 9. Generosity is encouraged, but giving of your resources should never be done reluctantly or by being compelled. Elsewhere in Galations 6 it talks about how each person has their own personal responsibility in life to carry. Things like developing skills to get & maintain an occupation, providing for your own food & shelter, etc. Christianity teaches that we shouldn't drop that responsibility and put it on others. Of course, there are some people who truly can't do some of these things, so in those special circumstances we should help others with their basic life responsibilities. Ultimately, Christianity, or life in general, teaches us the wisdom to recognize when and how to help.

Now if you apply all that to this scenario with the mob of people coming up from Central America who are determined to come illegally into the U.S. and demanding we provide them with jobs, healthcare, shelter, etc., we as a country have every right to say yes or no to those demands. Jesus didn't always give to everybody who asked him for something. Moreover, when people demand your resources, then you have every right to say no and Christian teachings would back you up on that.
That Would Be Great in fun
1 up, 8y
I like your meme, but it was actually Obama that bought the Hawaiian oceanfront mansion. Al Gore bought a mansion near L.A.