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FYI in politics
0 ups, 4mo
Too bad you screwed it up with a typo. You should delete this one and do it over.
Brain Before Sleep in politics
0 ups, 6mo
So now after SIX DAYS you keep on trying to deflect from the fact that you were wrong. You can do this all year and it will never change the fact that I was correct and you were wrong. You can't change reality.
Brain Before Sleep in politics
0 ups, 6mo
Brain Before Sleep in politics
0 ups, 6mo
You have an awfully skewed opinion of which one of us doesn't understand. You said what you said. No amount of you continuing to try and make it look like "I don't understand" is going to change the fact that you said "all female cows give milk". You continuing day after day after day after day, fro 5 days already, will never change the fact that YOU WERE WRONG. Just admit it and move on. Seriously, I have NEVER seen anybody with such a disturbing need to be "right". Calm down, seek professional help if you need to in order to join the rest of us in the real world.
Brain Before Sleep in politics
0 ups, 6mo
Thank you for proving what I said is correct. A female cow that has not given birth can not produce milk. Since that is true then the fact that not all female cows give milk is also true.
Give up, your insane need to be "right" is making you prove with your very own statement that you are wrong.