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JonHammond7 (102102)
Joined 2021-01-18
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Anti-Communist meme: All roads of Socialism, Marxism, and Communism lead to gulags, concentration camps, and killing fields. in politics
1 up, 8mo
Anarcho-Syndicalism and Socialism in all its forms are for mediocrities who preach the gospel of envy.
This is Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in blackface, but Liberal voters don't care since they have no principles. in politics
0 ups, 12mo
Good, because it isn't funny that Canada has a blackface-wearing imbecile of a prime minister called Justin Trudeau. I'm glad you managed to understand that I was NOT joking and a laugh was not required from you or others.
The day that Putin dies by natural causes or by other means is the day MILLIONS of champagne corks will be popping. in politics
0 ups, 2y
What's to doubt? There would have been no invasion of Georgia in Eastern Europe, no annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, or no current invasion into Ukraine had it not been for Putin (as well as weak presidents like George W. Bush (Georgia), Obama (Crimea), and Biden (Ukraine). So, Putin's death will be celebrated with good riddance.
The day that Putin dies by natural causes or by other means is the day MILLIONS of champagne corks will be popping. in politics
0 ups, 2y
Not everything is about America, but in any case, the Democrats are going to lose control of Congress and its slimmest of slim majorities in the Senate this November, thus leaving Biden a powerless lame duck for the remainder of his failed presidency.

I don't think you understand just how hated Putin is around the world, so there WILL be a lot of celebrating and sighs of relief one day when he's dead (assuming he doesn't plunge us all into nuclear war and World War III leaving us with a scorched Earth and nothing but death and despair as far as the eye can see).

No one will shed a tear for a vile tyrannical sociopath like Putin when he's finally dead and that's my only point.