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Gumshoe (225156)
Joined 2020-09-25
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Show me the man, I'll create a crime in politics
So is this a lie? A mistake? Or dementia? I can't keep up!!! in politics
0 ups, 5d
Things you’ve said:

“[] is unrestricted in any way.”

“However they don't paint the whole picture.”

That sounds restricted to me.

Two things, define bad data?

And two, so do you still trust, or ai in general, until it has bad data?

Seems to me the solution is to just cut ties with “bad data” in general. And while it can contaminate all sources, especially ai, that source should be considered if it backs it up with corroborating sources or evidence.

“Trust but verify” is probably still the best way to handle any source in general.
So is this a lie? A mistake? Or dementia? I can't keep up!!! in politics
0 ups, 5d
Except there was no evidence.

States can’t sue other states for how they handle elections. Texas suing Georgia, Pennsylvania, etc is not denial of evidence. They merely have no standing.

What evidence was considered, through the proper legal channels, was considered hearsay, inaccurate, unsubstantiated, inconclusive and therefor lacked merit.

Further, many of the people within our government, who claimed voter fraud took place, had to openly admit in court that they had no evidence to support their claims when they were presented with the opportunity to defend themselves when they were charged with, ironically, election interference.

And says…

The courts refused to look at evidence of the 2020 election for several reasons. One reason is that many courts believed the allegations of widespread voter fraud were not supported by credible evidence. Additionally, some courts felt that the plaintiffs did not have standing to bring their cases, meaning they were not directly affected by the alleged fraud and therefore did not have the legal right to sue. Furthermore, some courts ruled that the cases were brought too late in the process, after the election had already taken place and the results had been certified. Overall, the courts' decisions were based on legal principles and procedural rules, rather than on political motivations or a desire to suppress evidence.
Fun Facts with Squidward in politics
2 ups, 2w
Fun Facts with Squidward in politics
0 ups, 2w
I doubt Henri de Saint-Simon’s ideas would go over well in the typical Republican Party sense, but one of the more noble views of Trump appears to be leaving social security alone. rather than dismantling it. However, most MAGA Republicans, and Trump have spoken too often of cutting it.

I think cuts to social security would be a losing strategy. And, unfortunately, we can’t take him at his word he will do little or nothing to it given his past history.

The only way to fix it is to fund it.