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ChadAndrewTheHammer (649450)
Joined 2021-11-20
Keepin' it old school on the 'flip. Joined February 3, 2013. "Boomer" memes and more.
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The difference is Trump had them tucked away in a closed area, while Biden had them spralled out all over his residence, unsecur in politics
1 up, 23h
How did Donald Trump ruin the economy? That sounds especially stupid. Everyone, including the poor, were far better off under Trump than we are now and it isn't even a question.

And you just don't give a shit about the border, period. It's obvious. We have a huge problem at the border and it isn't Trump's fault.

You just sound clownish.
The difference is Trump had them tucked away in a closed area, while Biden had them spralled out all over his residence, unsecur in politics
1 up, 1d
No, only one. One purposely destroyed the economy and the other made it better than any since the late 80's. One is a literal treasonous puppet, the other is not. One opened the border wide open and the other secured it.

Saying they're both bad is a just a weak-kneed cop-out.
One does not simply cut their penis off in politics
3 ups, 6d
That's one way to gaslight.
Fact Checkers at Snopes forced to admit Ashley Biden's diary is real. Along with this tidbit... in politics
0 ups, 1w
"We don't know exactly what happened."

We know her father took a shower with her and you don't seem to understand that that is wrong. I don't care what age she was.

"The outrage is fake."

No, it's not. The outrage is real, just as the outrage y'all have for Trump is real.

The bottom line is you think there's nothing wrong with little kids showering with their parents and you would like to believe that ever child has done it, which they haven't. But there are the vast majority of us who know it's wrong. And no amount of bickering back and forth is going to change that.
Fact Checkers at Snopes forced to admit Ashley Biden's diary is real. Along with this tidbit... in politics
0 ups, 1w
A father doesn't shower with his daughter, regardless of the age. And you thinking that's okay is sick. You're trying to make it sound better.

Parents give their baby a bath. Parents don't take showers with their children. A mother may get in the tub with her newborn to have skin-to-skin time. A father doesn't shower with his daughter.

Keep spinning it, the more you make excuses, the more you come off sounding gross.