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ChadAllen64 (419573)
Joined 2019-07-02
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Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 3w
It's funny that you believe Democrats had any legitimate, legal standing for anything they've attempted against Trump.
The impeachments failed to stop Trump just as these bullshit Kangaroo courts will fail at stopping Trump.
They've only made him more popular among the people.
And that's what these career political elites fear.
Trump winning and their being made to be held accountable for their criminal malfeasance.
How you're unable to see this lawless shit show for what it is, is more of an indictment to your own absence of intelligence and independent thought.
Wake up bro to the reality staring you in the face, because if you believe this crap stops with Trump you're delusional.
In the end, even the useful idiots become fodder to the lawless system they've helped support and enable.
Perhaps learn some actual history instead of erasing it.
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 4w
So basically you're saying Trump's attorney's are doing the job he's paying them for.
Spoken like a true useful idiot.
You know it's true in politics
2 ups, 4w
I'm referring to the recent pardon by Texas Governor Greg Abbott of Army Sargent, Daniel Perry who shot & killed an armed BLM rioter who had threatened his life. He was convicted in a Democrat district for daring to defend himself from an armed thug. As with Rittenhouse, justice ultimately prevailed in this case too. Perhaps pay attention to what's going on around you.
You know it's true in politics
2 ups, 4w
I know, right?
Especially when the one he's forced to shoot is also a convicted child molester.
You know it's true in politics
2 ups, 4w
Actually Parties have nothing to do with a Texas state law called Stand Your Ground, that justifies the use of lethal force when you're life is threatened by an armed aggressor intent on doing you harm.