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AdamSmithsInvisibleHand (445839)
Joined 2022-05-21
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California Is Becoming MAGA Country in politics
0 ups, 6h
You may be right. I really didn't discuss politics too much when I lived in California. Especially my last 3 years there when my wife and I moved to the SF Bay Area. If I even said I was a Republican I mostly likely would have been verbally attacked. Plus I hadn't fully formed my political opinions back then. I listened to Rush Limbaugh but I hadn't began thinking for myself until later. So I would not have been able to defend my position. So I just avoided political conversations.

After we left California I started reading books, "The Road to Serfdom" by F.A. Hayek. I read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. But the book that knocked me on the floor was "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg. I didn't know this Marxist infestation started in the early 20th century and that the ideological progenitors of the very same liberals today used to openly and proudly proclaim their devotion to Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini. If they had been able to suppress the news and if the US hadn't gone to war with Nazi Germany, they still might be looking back with fondness towards those scumbags.
California Is Becoming MAGA Country in politics
3 ups, 15h
Newport Beach is in Orange County. Orange County has always had a large number of Republicans. I would not call it a red county but more of a purple county because libs are all over California. They are a huge blight on the state and not a single one of them are worthy to live in such a great state.

Instead the exodus out of the state are mostly conservatives. They are migrating to mostly red states so they can be free. I live in Utah and there are tons and tons of Californians moving here. They have created a housing shortage which has caused housing prices to skyrocket. I am very, very, very fortunate I bought my house when houses were still affordable.

The migration to Utah is not even the biggest. The biggest migrations are long the 10 freeway, Arizona to Florida, and mostly Texas and Florida.
California Is Becoming MAGA Country in politics
3 ups, 15h
I grew up in California. My family moved there when I was a toddler. It used to be a pretty good place to live. You just cannot beat California's weather, it is the best in the United States.

My wife and I escaped California long before the mass exodus out of the state. We left almost 25 years ago.

It would be great if California threw Newsom out on his butt and all of the rest of the liberals who have infested the state government but I doubt it will ever happen.