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sharps45 (2988952)
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it's the scary thing in politics
1 up, 1h
Update your AI and let it answer again
No Justice in politics
0 ups, 1h
Selecting a jury from a district that voted 90% for your opponent is a losing proposition to begin with, and you only have a few jurors you can deny. The defense couldn't raise reasonable doubt without knowing what they were charged with. A total hatchet job of a trial just so that can call Trump a felon until the inevitable overturned verdict
No Justice in politics
0 ups, 8h
You're the defendant: the witnesses against you are a porn star who has five times denied any sexual contact with you, the other is a convicted perjurer with a gigantic financial gain if you are convicted. Besides that, no one can tell you what you are specifically charged with. You'd be pretty sure of a not guilty verdict, wouldn't you? But the Prosecutor ran for office on the promise to "get you" and the Judge is handpicked by your enemies for the case. The Judge also has a daughter who stands to gain financially from your conviction. Then the Judge overrules all your lawyers objections, sustains all the prosecutors' objections, and won't allow your chief witness to testify at all. Suddenly you wouldn't feel so confident.
No Justice in politics
0 ups, 23h
I don't think Trump slept with her, and the rest of your claim is lies
No Justice in politics
0 ups, 23h
I'll agree Trump is an adulterer, but the rest are lies