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TheHugePig (3426728)
Joined 2020-01-23
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Wow in MS_memer_group
0 ups, <1h
My friend I’m older than the OG Call of Duty
0 ups, <1h
Yeah cuz every single post you made was about Palestine and you weren’t joking.
or is it just me in MS_memer_group
1 up, <1h
No because I’m a normal human being
THP rants about SpiderHeck for the 427th time in MS_memer_group
0 ups, <1h
I know I already gush about this game a lot, but I feel the need to do it again. SpiderHeck just feels like a game that harkens back to the GameCube and OG Xbox era. I could never tell why until I went back to games like Monkey Ball or Halo CE.

Like a lot of games back then, it has very deep content and a substantial amount of modes AND it emphasizes couch co-op. I might hate Sonic Adventure 2, but I can at least see why a fan would say it’s his favorite game: it has a truckload of content with minigames and co-op modes. Most modern Sonic games are put to shame by how much SA2 had to offer. I bring that up to explain why SpiderHeck has a similar vibe.

In terms of content:

Endless wave survival mode with 7 different difficulty levels. Once you reach wave 30, you unlock the next difficulty. This can be played single player, couch co-op, or online co-op. It also keeps your highest wave record for each difficulty setting.

Versus mode where you battle against people online or locally. This mode has a lot of maps that are exclusive to it because they’re designed to fall apart overt time. It’s also fully customizable with weapons you can choose not to include in the game.

Tiers of Heck. These are wave-based challenges you can do. Survive a set number of waves with specific restrictions or settings. Like kill all enemies using only mines. Or survive against explosive enemies with a setting that makes explosions twice as big. It provides a lot of unique ways to experience the combat.

Parkour is a mode. I think it’s a terrible addition to the game, but it’s there for people that want it. You don’t fight anyone, you just do trial and error parkour tracks and hope for the best.

Map creator: MAKE YOUR OWN MAPS AND MODES! It’s always awesome when an already great game gives you the tools to make your own stuff for it.

All of it is available with couch co-op, which I love. One of the best features of the 5th generation consoles is SpiderHeck’s top priority, and that’s why it feels like a game from back then.
0 ups, 1h
A game can be a classic and still be dead.