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Purple_The_Artist (698931)
Joined 2021-02-26
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Pick A Number in MS_memer_group
1 up, <1h
yea idk why but ive had really strong urges to bake lately and ive really been wanting to make things like focaccia, and baguettes, or brioche even. im thinking about starting a sourdough starter and making fancy sourdough
gm yall in MS_memer_group
1 up, <1h
is that her irl name?
Pick A Number in MS_memer_group
1 up, <1h
1. forgor
2. abt 5’2
3. single
4. purple
5. Conga by gloria estefan
6. idk tbh
7. dont have one
8. cheese
9. people, panic attacks, being yelled at
10. no
11. dont have one
12. dont have one
13. being left alone in a hotel somewhere fun and not being forced to socialize if i dont wanna
14. greys anatomy
15. movie night
16. idk
17. assholes, ppl with fugly attitudes, not washing ur hands, disrespect toward anyone including those who may be “serving” us like at a restaurant, being nasty, backhanded compliments, smelly, acting as if i’m in debt to you/ owe you smth when you do me a favor i didnt ask you to do, etc.
18. huh
19. just a singular set of pierced ears, might get a second piercing
20. no
21. no
22. focaccia bread, making bread, red lobster biscuits
23. my entire life
24. i dont want to put that in comment section
25. idk tbh
26. t-shirt
27. depends
28. nothing
29. never
30. idk what this question is
31. nowhere
32. no
33. idk
34. no
35. never
36. idk if i wanna answer that
37. idk if i wanna answer that
38. the normal kind
39. no
40. yes
41. idk
42. what
43. i would be too scared to speak so id be sitting in the corner with a big ball of yarn crocheting sum random