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MaryJaneRayne (9283)
Joined 2024-04-06
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Change My Mind in fun
0 ups, <1h
That doesn't mean parents shouldn't allow some safe degrees of exploring. The toilet paper tube test can help in preventing choking hazards. If an object is able to fit through a toilet paper tube, it's a choking hazard for kids, especially under ages 3-5 years old. Get the large building blocks, not the tiny Legos and be sure to check expiration dates and signs of damages to things like carseats and booster seats. They have them on the bottoms of these items under the cloth coverings. There's a parenting book that explains in details but icr the name of it anymore. 1, 2, 3 Magic is a good parenting book especially if your child has ADD/ADHD/AUTISM/ASPBERGERS. There's YouTube videos on that method as well and parenting groups/classes at community centers in some places. Breastfeeding and Post Partum groups can be helpful to New mom's struggling with these things. Peri-Partum is also something pregnant mom's should be aware of and their partners too. Support is especially crucial during these difficulties/challenges for getting through it. If you're being abused or neglected by those around you while struggling, it will make partums worse and potentially even contribute to causing Partum Psychosis which is really dangerous. The brain btw is fascinating. When kids are very young and exploring the world with their mouths: fun fact: the tongue triggers sensory based memories in the brain that he'll kids in understanding the difference between soft and hard, abrasive and smooth, etc. Textures being learned this way also boost the skin (hands etc) in understanding these crucial differences as well. It's also important to utilize growth periods regarding types of color exposure. Neon, black and white, soft pastels, bold colors. The brain processes these best at different periods of early childhood development which is why painting the nursery with this in mind is ideal for healthy brain development. And any tips and patterns and texture variations as well. If you have a child with ADD/ADHD, they might be the sort that is calmed by overstimulation, while others with this might find a less stimulating environment to be calming. It's important to pay close attention to your child's reactions and behaviors. If they seem agitated, look around and ask yourselves what's possibly the cause. If they seem lethargic, and it's not a medical issue, then perhaps they need some stimulation mentally, social interaction. Fussy? Try putting them on belly across your lap backrubs.
Change My Mind in fun
0 ups, <1h
You'd be surprised how toxic makeup actually is...btw did you know that in ancient times they used Belladonna eyedrops cosmetically for the "doe eyes" appearance? Belladonna is also known as Deadly Nightshade. The entire plant is poisonous to humans and animals. It causes hallucinations and insanity as well as organ failure and death in large enough doses or when used regularly. This is why if you have it invading your yard, you should wear gloves and immediately wash your clothes and yourself after removing it. It likes to grow on fencing and trees. I removed some from my old apt years ago and informed the landlord about it. They thanked me for doing that and letting them know. Kids and pets are especially at risk of this plants toxins because they have a habit of nibbling and touching things they shouldn't. Kids explore with their hands and mouths, especially younger kids. Pets are often curious too. It can cause serious medical issues. If this was Hogwarts, I'm sure they'd have some things to say in Herbology class. There are other plants that look pretty that are harmful if touched or especially if ingested. And invasive plants and insects cause ecosystem damage. This is why people shouldn't buy foreign plants and put them in the ground outside. It's a lot of work to remove invasive species to protect native plants and animals.
Who out-insanitied the hut? And they say I'm next level extra...I'm not nearly this insane. in you-had-one-job
0 ups, 8h
No.its not a copy.a copy is identical. I made changes and only used part of the other meme image. People literally use meme images whenever they use a template. I used my own words here. Do not falsely accuse me or try to start a dumb argument. I will block you because I'm fed up with energy vampires like what I encountered the other night on here. Either enjoy the humor or go elsewhere. My trauma seldom leaves room for my sense of humor to even enjoyable. Don't message with the bit that manages to come through.