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CorporateLife2k (1470864)
Joined 2019-02-15
When did science fiction become the normal world?
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Liberals really don't understand that respect must be earned, not given by degree or forced at gunpoint in politics
1 up, 1d
It's funny. The concept of this for that... give a little to get a little...or scratch my back and I'll scratch yours are easy to understand. My problem is libs want me to scratch their back while they dump fleas down my back. That isn't fair or reality. Do something nice towards me and I'll reciprocate. Demand I do something nice simply because of the people you take to bed??? Sorry, I just do not care. No one cares about that. And that is how it should be. We don't need to be in each other's business.
Don't worry kids, the seizures will eventually stop... in fun
0 ups, 2d
Remember when folks went nuts saying Joe Camel ads appealed to young people and encouraged them to smoke? Wonder what they'd say about candy bars that give you a damn seizure?!??
So ladies, still happy to support insane men in dresses? Be sure to have regular checkups to prevent front hole cancer! in politics
2 ups, 2d
Dear insane dumb people....

The reason doctors use words like cervix is so they can accurately describe specific anatomy with precision to other intelligent people.

When your out-of-control narcissist gender fetish demands doctors now use the same inaccurate dumb words you use around your equally dumb friends and followers, it means they cannot describe anatomy, conditions, symptoms, or treatments accurately moving forward. This is why you say your toes look a little funny while an intelligent person might use the word ischemia to describe the same situation. So stick with irrelevant things, like dancing on Tik-Tok. And let the intelligent people do what is necessary to advance human knowledge into the future. Ok?
Hey liberal shills, explain your President's constant lying about inflation please. It BECAME almost 9% AFTER Biden! in politics
0 ups, 1w
I guess its hard to remember dates and details, right Dems? Remember when Biden swore his Inflation Reduction Act would reduce inflation? It didn't. Or when Biden said inflation was transitory? It has been a major component throughtout his tenure. Now Biden is trying to say inflation was 9% when it was less than 1.5%?!? This is what normal people call lying.
For a party that SAYS its obsessed with choice, Democrats sure are happy to restrict you right to choose... in politics
3 ups, 1w
Closed minded indeed. I am immune to the hype-train is all. Plus I have decades of irrefutable observations to draw upon. Democrats restrict choices in salami slices until they get what they want. Then they proclaim the country has spoken in their favor. Sorry, six of one or half a dozen of the other is not choice.

You can only buy ICE cars until 2035. California will not allow certain age big rigs to even cross state lines. Tough to get all those Chinese trinkets from Amazon when literally thousands of fully functional trucks are forbidden from the state with the largest port. That's choice?

Nurses were told to vax. Including nurses with real allergic reactions to common drugs who logically only wanted to know what was in this new, rushed, over-hyped drug to avoid anaphylaxis. Something they do with ALL drugs they take. They were told to hit the road or vax. That's choice?

And the funny thing about smoking is, you have to pay more for insurance if you smoke tobacco. Whereas there is no same requirement in place for marijuana at my company because.... reasons? Certainly inhaling burned plant matter and carbon seems to be unhealthy for human lungs, but one is ok and celebrated as fun and harmless. Just like those 1950s pro-smoking ads. Choices I guess?

And yes, you can pay to place your kids into a private school, but you do not get to abstain from paying for the public schools that you are deliberatly avoiding. It's rather like going to Walmart to buy Pepsi, yet being forced to buy a Sam's Cola that you also have to give away. Choices!

And no we don't have choices for candidates. Trump is a drama queen, Biden is a failing fossil. But two, and only two parties have a monopoly on all views, alternatives, information and directions the country can follow? You have more choices for breakfast at a corner gas station than candidates for president. Democrat darling JFK couldn't make it on the modern Dem ticket. Choices though?

And yes, movies and commercials are simply awash in identity politics over entertainment. 3 years ago, Disney stock traded for nearly $200 a share, now its half that. Maybe its just the economy right? Yet Gen Zs are not a big motorcycling demographic and even Harley stock has not dropped as much of a percentage. But Netflix is soaring. We do not need left or right versions of entertainment, just entertainment will suffice. And "the message" is fear mongering to elicit only 1 option, not multiples.