As regards these potential investigations of Biden that are being floated by the hard-right MAGA folks, Republicans have:
1. Hunter Biden's laptop: whatever parts of it are actually real, i.e. not planted, not exaggerated, and actually verifiable as real evidence satisfying chain-of-custody and all the other IT issues involved;
2. The fact that Hunter Biden is not President, or even a government official at all, and has never been, which is not exactly helpful to the case that an investigation of Hunter Biden merits *Congressional*-level oversight (as opposed to being a job for local law enforcement, the FBI, etc.);
3. A threadbare House majority that is predicated upon many moderate districts that Republicans won by less than 1%, whose constituents would presumably rather see things get done than right-wing conspiracies indulged;
4. No control of the Senate, meaning that a Democratic Senate would get to make the rules governing any impeachment trial;
5. The fact that House Republicans will have presumably by then shuttered the Jan. 6 panel, which garnered significant attention from the public and has investigated matters of far more consequence to our nation.
Good luck. Meanwhile, Clinton sends his regards